
Blog Kick Off!

Believe it or not the concept of this blog began a year ago! Now that Marketing has put their final touches on it and I'm faced with writing something, I feel paralyzed.

So, I'll start by letting you know that a new workshop has been added for your talent edification and strengths development: StrengthsQuest 34 Themes Report.  There are many folks that are anxious to see their full 34 themes report, and this is an additional avenue for doing that.  

There are several reasons why Gallup recommends these reports are not  distributed immediately after completing the StrengthsQuest Assessment.  First, human nature, at least for most of us, drives us to check out our "weaknesses" first!   And, since there is a lot of pressure in our society to "fix weaknesses", people tend to fixate on their "lesser" talent themes.  In talent philosophy and practices, it is generally inefficient and ineffective to try to "fix" weaknesses, and the focus is on managing our lesser talent themes.

The second reason is that, to really understand, affirm, and own our top five themes, link them to our successes, identify the strengths we're already developed because of our themes, and start consciously and strategically applying both our talents and strengths, is a lifetime journey.  Add another 29 and, well, it could be overwhelming for some of us!

Guess I overcame my writers block! We  hope you enjoy this site, will visit often, and help start great discussions.